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What is Brain Fog and How to Treat it?

Imagine having worked hard for years and finally getting paid for your thinking, decision making, and drive… But then your brain starts to glitch on you. Your thinking starts to cloud up. Your brain feels sluggish and tired. Your memory starts to lag. And you can’t focus as well as you used to. 

This can be scary. You may wonder if the brain fog will ever go away, if this could be the end of your career, or if you’re on your way to Alzheimer’s. Meanwhile, your doctor can’t find anything wrong with you and chalks it up to stress or aging.

The good news is that we now know a lot about the science behind brain fog. Once you understand the root causes, you are typically able to reverse brain fog and further improve cognitive function using nootropics.

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The Benefits of a Gluten-Free Diet

A gluten-free diet may be difficult to follow, because gluten-containing foods are everywhere. For many people, excluding gluten can reduce inflammation and help with their pesky symptoms.  However, everyone has…

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When Is It Best to Take Magnesium Supplements?

Magnesium is an essential mineral in over 300 enzyme systems and fundamental processes.[custom-citation id="ref-1"] Most of the magnesium in your body is located in your bone, teeth, and space between your cells.[custom-citation id="ref-2"]

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What Are Proteolytic Enzymes and What Do They Do?

Proteolytic enzymes, such as peptidases, proteases, or proteinases, break down proteins[custom-citation id="ref-1"] by cutting their peptide bonds. Peptidases cut at either end of the proteins, whereas proteinases cut inside the protein chains.[custom-citation id="ref-2"]

These can also be broken down into two categories: digestive and systemic, based on whether they can be absorbed into the bloodstream. 

This article will focus on digestive proteolytic enzymes and protein digestion. To learn more about the inflammation-balancing benefits of systemic proteolytic enzymes, check out our systemic enzymes article.

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Why are enzymes important to digestion?

Nowadays, many of us suffer from suboptimal digestion. Digestive issues impact both our physical and emotional wellbeing. The main problem with digestive issues is nutrient deficiency since the gut can’t properly digest, assimilate, and absorb nutrients.

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Reset Your Gut In 3 Simple Steps

When it comes to our health, the gut microbiota (also called gut flora) plays a big role. The gut microbiota includes numerous strains of bacteria, viruses, and fungi. If you…

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